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Beacon Mentors

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BEACoN exists to educate and empower underrepresented students and advocate for them as they aspire to successfully complete their Cal Poly education. We will work collaboratively with all members of the campus community to increase success and retention of underrepresented or underperforming students. Beacon Mentors is about empowering underrepresented groups to find their voice and achieve their potential by helping them develop skills that are consistent with academic and professional success through programs such as a Mentor Program and a well known Research Program. In the research program in 2020 there are 60 different facility/student pairs working on a wide range of research topics.

Poly Pipeline

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The Poly Pipeline Mentorship Program aims to retain and enhance the experience and success of Cal Poly students. This program will connect underrepresented minority college students with academically, socially, and personally excelling upper-class students, who share similar identities, for individual and group mentoring. Mentors will support and guide mentees throughout their first year of college, and assist with their transition to campus life. In addition, mentees will participate in academic, social, and cultural activities designed to support and facilitate their success at Cal Poly.

Underrepresented Student Network

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The College of Liberal Arts Underrepresented Students Network (CLA USN) is a peer mentoring program for underrepresented students in our college. Mentors can meet informally with mentees to provide support and resources on Cal Poly’s campus. USN is not a counseling service, but a place to talk with peers who can identify with the experiences of other underrepresented students. Please see the list of mentors below, and click the button to sign up to be matched!

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