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Academic Support
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Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation

Building 25, Room 129
(805) 756-2875

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The LSAMP program is designed to support undergraduate students who face or have faced social, educational, and/or economic barriers to careers in STEM fields*. The program also aims to significantly increase the persistence and quantity of underrepresented minority students who successfully complete a baccalaureate degree program in STEM fields. Cal Poly’s LSAMP program aims to increase the participation of LSAMP students in high impact practices (such as paid undergraduate research experiences) to foster a stronger connection to campus, promote greater learning, improve retention rates, and yield faster and higher graduation rates. LSAMP also strives to expand on the populations currently served.

Mustang Success Center

Virtual Advising: Monday – Thursday 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Friday 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Email us at
Call us 805-756-6211
Drop by in zoom
Instagram @Mustangsuccesscenter

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The Mustang Success Center provides an inclusive environment that supports undergraduate students with their transition and integration into Cal Poly. The center’s staff provides accessible academic advising that guides students to clear pathways of success and timely graduation. Through individual appointments, group advising sessions, and workshops, the advisors help students understand University policies and procedures, offer a full range of proactive academic services, refer students to appropriate campus resources, provide leadership in coordinating College and University programs that support student success.


Kennedy Library, room 113
Office Hours:
10 a.m. to noon daily and by appointment

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The Office of Student Ombuds Services is a campus resource for all Cal Poly students. The Ombuds staff are committed to hearing about students’ experiences. The office offers a safe place to go for assistance in resolving any university related issue, concern, conflict, or complaint. All communications with the office are strictly confidential, informal, impartial, and independent. (The only exception is when there appears to be imminent risk of serious harm to self or others or issues about sexual misconduct.)

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